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Woman helps turn around failing N.D ambulance service in a year

It went from on the verge of losing its license to being named the state service of the year; she also launched training courses forthose in rural areas with long response times

Bismark Tribune

KILLDEER, N.D. — A new building in Killdeer is the go-to place for people who deal all too often with death and sorrow.

This could be depressing, even morose. In fact, it’s just the opposite. The new Killdeer Area Ambulance Service building is filled with sunshine, the hubbub of people taking CPR lessons, lively conversation and the rich smells of lasagna being served for lunch.

It is the go-to place, and a small dedicated woman is the go-to person at the center of it all.

Ann Hafner is manager of the service and even she finds it hard to believe that not much more than a year ago, this vibrant responder community was on its last legs, on the verge of losing its license and shutting down for lack of people resources.

Read full story: Killdeer ambulance service meeting oil boom challenge