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Wash. EMT-firefighter donates kidney to woman

Brad Yoder will undergo surgery Aug. 15 to donate his kidney to a woman with kidney disease

COWLITZ COUNTY, Wash. — Most firefighters save people from fires. But one firefighter is taking his commitment to public service to a new level.

Brad Yoder, a Cowlitz 2 Fire and Rescue firefighter-EMT will donate his right kidney to Dana Clayton, reported TDN.

Yoder’s wife, Laura, is lifelong friends with Clayton, who suffers from Polycystic kidney disease. The genetic disorder is characterized by the growth of cysts in the kidneys. The cysts can dramatically enlarge the kidneys and disrupt their normal structure, which can lead to kidney disease. Over time, it can lead to kidney failure.

Clayton is in the end stages of the disease; Yoder’s kidney is a perfect match.

“My brothers and sisters from Local 3828 and all employees at Cowlitz 2 have been super supportive,” Yoder said. “This brotherhood and department breathes and selflessly displays servanthood … I am blessed to be a part of this organization.”

Yoder will take time off to undergo and recover from the operation, which is scheduled for Aug. 15. Two of his colleagues have donated their sick leave to him.