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Listen: Daughter makes final radio call for her flight medic dad

Flight Medic Jim Hall retired after 40 years in EMS, and his daughter, a dispatcher, had the honor of making his final call

INDIANAPOLIS — A dispatcher had the honor of delivering the final radio call for her flight medic father, who retired after 40 years in EMS, WTHR reports.

West Lafayette Flight Medic Jim Hall finished his last shift with this touching tribute from his daughter Jenilynne:

“Request we acknowledge flight medic Jim Hall with your department, with over 40 years in EMS throughout the state of Indiana he has completed his final shift. Dad, your family couldn’t be more proud of you, on behalf of White County dispatch, thank you for your service and dedication to the community, White County communications is clear at 04-47 check 06-46,” she radioed.

“Roger, love you,” Hall replied.

Hall will work part-time at the Carroll County Jail.