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Keep track of the frequencies in your area

Have a list of the frequencies in use in your area. Everyone knows you switch over to Channel 3 when you get on scene of the crash, but do you know what frequency that is? Probably not!

However, if you have a list in your vehicle, you can easily find out. Now, you probably are saying, “Why would I ever need to know that?” We all train and prepare for “the big one”, but if it should happen in your area, are you truly prepared to help out those who will be coming to help you?

As a communications unit leader, finding out what frequencies you use is one of my first activities. After that, I can put a list together of common frequencies that can be used in support of the incident. If you have that list in your vehicle, my life is much easier!

What should you have on the list? Receive frequency, transmit frequency, tone, associated repeater (if any), call sign, channel number, and what you call it.

Sometimes the list can get pretty extensive, but when you need info, it so often is in short supply. The person who has the list available saves time for everyone.

Follow the Boy Scout motto: Be prepared!