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Calif. emergency center on high alert for storm response

The center was prepared to monitor reports of fallen trees, power outages, flooding, slides, accidents and any other storm-related problems

By Stephanie Weldy
The Marin Independent Journal

MARIN COUNTY, Calif. — Ground zero in Marin’s emergency response to the powerful storm expected to lash the county through Sunday morning is on high ground — a third-floor command center in San Rafael.

Twenty county personnel began staffing the Emergency Operations Center at the Marin County Sheriff’s Office late Saturday evening for the beginning of a 12-hour shift that was expected to be filled for another shift immediately after.

The center was prepared to monitor reports of fallen trees, power outages, flooding, slides, accidents and any other storm-related problems.

With inclement weather forecast to continue through the week, the center may also be staffed Monday and Tuesday.

“We timed that based on the worst part of the storm, which is overnight (Saturday),” said Chris Reilly, emergency services manager for the Sheriff’s Office. “We’ll be doing a lot of preparing and planning tonight to get ready for most of the flooding that will likely occur tomorrow.”

Equipped with screens and 32 computer stations, those at the center have immediate access to creek levels, rain activity and regional emergency operations.

The station, prepped for disasters including floods, earthquakes and fires, acts as a coordination center that works with and assists fire and police departments across the county.

“We’re establishing broad objectives for all the emergency workers out in the field to identify all of the different problem areas and major incidents going on and we make sure they’re handled appropriately and that they have all the resources they need,” Reilly said.

Broken down into unique categories, those working under “Operations” provide support to law and fire operations within the county.

Those with “Planning and Objectives” set objectives and develop plans for upcoming operation periods, Reilly said. They also monitor road conditions and flooding and use maps to show areas of concern.

“Finance” tracks costs and “Management” has oversight over other operations, he said.

With heavy rains expected to sweep in Saturday night and to fall through Sunday morning, followed by lighter showers, those in the operations center were most closely keeping their eyes on creek levels in the Ross Valley, including Fairfax, Ross and San Anselmo.

“That has a history of flooding,” Reilly said. “That causes a lot of problems. The predictions from the National Weather Service are that that is likely to flood. We’ve been doing a lot of public information and sending out notices, press releases. We’re posting stuff on our website.”

National Weather Service forecasters are closely monitoring the Corte Madera Creek, as well as the Arroyo Corte Madera del Presidio Creek in Mill Valley, said Mark Strudley, a hydrologist with the weather agency.

Though forecast rainfall totals have decreased some, the creeks still have great potential to flood with the storm, he said.

“With the current thinking with the forecast, they have the potential to flood,” Strudley said. “The forecast has been decreased a little in the North Bay with total rainfall expected, but we’re still watching those systems closely. We haven’t issued flash floods for those locations, but we might. It depends on how rain pans out in the North Bay.”

As of late Saturday afternoon, 1.08 inches of rain had fallen in San Rafael. In Mill Valley, .64 of an inch was recorded, along with .75 of an inch in Novato and .42 of an inch in Point Reyes Station.

The rain is expected to continue through the week, with heavy showers forecast for Sunday and into Monday. Another period of light showers is forecast for Monday night and into Tuesday and Wednesday. Forecasters also see possible showers early Thursday.

Saturday’s storm resulted in the closure of Lucas Valley Road, between Westgate Drive and Nicasio Valley Road. A toppled bay tree, reported to authorities after 4 p.m., fell onto power lines, causing a power outage for more than 1,200 residents in the area.

The tree was so large it splintered into four smaller branches when it fell, said Marin County fire Battalion Chief Bret McTigue.

Pacific Gas and Electric Company Co. was called to the scene to turn off power. The road was not expected to be reopened until early Sunday. Power was also not expected to be back on for residents until morning hours, McTigue said.

Though it is not certain whether weather played a part, a San Francisco man was taken to Marin General Hospital with moderate injuries after his vehicle overturned on southbound Highway 101, near Spencer Avenue around 3:30 p.m.

The motorist, identified as Jose Garcia, 48, was trapped inside his vehicle, said California Highway Patrol Officer Andrew Barclay.

The two right lanes were closed for nearly an hour as Marin County firefighters extricated the driver and the vehicle was moved from the roadway.

Residents should try to stay off the roadways during the storm, McTigue said.

“If you don’t need to be on roads (Sunday) morning, stay at home,” he cautioned. “We’re expecting large outages with up to 60 mph winds. And be prepared. Have essentials in your house, batteries, flashlights, water, medications.”

Javad Khayami, owner of San Anselmo Gelato, which sits directly over Corte Madera Creek, was lining sandbags inside and outside of his shop, as well as moving low-lying items, on Saturday afternoon.

He said he was hoping the storm wouldn’t cause too much damage.

Cat Caldwell, store manager at Sherman’s General Store in downtown Fairfax, said the store has weathered big storms, including the 2005 storm that left the shop with 6-inches of water.

She helped the store owner prepare for Saturday night with sandbags and by moving items close to the floor.

Caldwell said she was hoping “for our efforts to be good enough and not to have things be ruined in here.”

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