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GoFundMe launched for Ala. firefighter-paramedic fighting brain tumor

Firefighter-paramedic Rex Allred had surgery to remove a brain tumor, but doctors were unable to remove parts of it


A GoFundMe account has been setup to help raise $100,000 for firefighter and paramedic Rex Allred who was diagnosed with a brain tumor.


By Anna Beahm
Alabama Media Group

ONEONTA, Ala. — A small Alabama town is trying to raise $100,000 to help a firefighter recently diagnosed with a brain tumor.

A GoFundMe account has been setup to help raise $100,000 for firefighter and paramedic Rex Allred who was diagnosed with a brain tumor last week, according to the account.

“On January 22, 2019, Rex Allred began his shift at Oneonta Fire & Rescue Service as a firefighter/paramedic. While on duty Rex began to exhibit confusion and had a headache that had progressively gotten worse. A MRI scan revealed the worst possible scenario, a brain tumor,” the campaign said.

A few days later, Allred had surgery to remove the tumor, but doctors were unable to remove parts of the tumor. He will have to undergo radiation and chemotherapy to treat the remaining parts of the tumor.

Allred has been a firefighter since 2000. In addition to working for the Oneonta Fire and Rescue Service, he also works as a paramedic for the Blount EMS Ambulance Service and Leeds Fire and Rescue, according to the campaign.

As of late Tuesday night, more than $3,700 had been raised. All donations will go to Allred and his family.

Donations can also be made at Hometown Bank Alabama in Oneonta through the Rex Allred Donation Account.

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