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Superstorm Sandy: By the numbers

So far there have been at least 55 deaths associated with Sandy; here’s how the numbers breakdown

The Associated Press

Hurricane Sandy, after killing at least 69 people in the Caribbean, streamed northward, merged with two wintry weather systems and socked the Northeast, mid-Atlantic and Great Lakes with wind, waves, rain and snow. Some figures associated with Sandy’s rampage through the U.S., as of Tuesday evening:

  • Maximum size of storm: 1,000 miles across
  • Highest storm surge: 13.88 feet, at New York
  • Number of states seeing intense effects of the storm: At least 17
  • Deaths: At least 55
  • Damage: Estimated property losses at $20 billion, ranking the storm among the most expensive U.S. disasters
  • Top wind gust on land in the U.S.: 140 mph, at Mount Washington, N.H.
  • Power outages at peak: More than 8.5 million
  • Canceled airline flights: More than 18,100
  • Most rainfall: 12.55 inches, at Easton, Md.
  • Most snow: 29 inches, at Redhouse, Md.
  • Evacuation zone: Included communities in more than 400 miles of coastline from Ocean City, Md., to Dartmouth, Mass.


Sources: National Weather Service, FlightAware, AP reporting