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Former N.Y. EMT sentenced for sending indecent material over the internet

By (New York)

An East Rochester man caught trying to lure what he thought was a 14-year-old girl to have sex over the Internet was sentenced Tuesday. Dale Trimmer was given 6 months in jail with time served and could be free in a couple of months. He has been behind bars since he was arrested in November.

Monroe Country Sheriff’s Investigator Andrew White caught Trimmer but because it was technically an adult police officer and not an actual minor state law let’s defendants like Trimmer face a lesser felony charge.

That’s something prosecutors are trying to change. “The District Attorney’s Association for New York State has asked the legislature to remedy that. To raise the level of the seriousness of the crime and I believe its being considered by the leg but up to this point it has not been changed and it’s something that prevents us from getting obviously more serious convictions,” said Monroe County Assistant District Attorney Doug Randall.

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