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Va. ambulance service rigs equipped with pet oxygen masks

The Richmond Ambulance Authority partnered with the Richmond SPCA to select and purchase the life-saving animal equipment

By Rachel Engel

RICHMOND, Va. — An ambulance service in Virginia is now equipped to treat animals after working with a local SPCA group to purchase pet oxygen masks for each vehicle.

Officials with the Richmond Ambulance Authority (RAA) teamed up with veterinarians from the Richmond SPCA to select the right equipment to stock ambulances, NBC 12 reported.

“We can use this to help deliver the pet oxygen, which in many cases can then help to revive the pet so that they return to normal, or they can at least be brought to the veterinary office where they can seek further treatment and hopefully have a positive outcome,” Assistant Operations Supervisor Peter Meckerlich told NBC 12.

The masks come in two sizes – large and small – which create a seal around the snout or nose of the pet to provide oxygen.

The RAA plans to have pet masks available on ambulances within the next few weeks.

“Like any other piece of equipment, this is going to be considered standard, it will be there when any crew goes out on the street,” Meckerlich told NBC 12.