GLENVIEW, Ill. — The Commission on Accreditation of Ambulance Services (CAAS) is seeking of public comment on its Ground Vehicle Standard (GVS v.1.0) between May 1, 2015 and July 1, 2015.
The second round of public comment can only be on the revisions identified during the first round of public comment. Visit to download the revised standard and review an outline of the proposed revisions to the Ground Vehicle Standard from the first public comment period.
The purpose of the CAAS GVS v.1.0 is to best serve patients by providing ground ambulances that are safe, nationally recognized, properly constructed, easily maintained, and when professionally staffed and provisioned, will function reliably in pre-hospital or other mobile emergency medical service. The CAAS GVS v.1.0 establishes minimum requirements, performance parameters and essential criteria for the design of ground ambulances and to provide a practical degree of standardization.
The first round of public comment on the draft CAAS Ground Vehicle Standard for ambulances was held between October 1, 2014 and December 1, 2014. The standard was based upon the following guiding principles:
- Ensures safety of the patient, provider and community
- Ensures quality of the ambulance design
- Supports and enhances the quality of patient care and patient movement
- Establishes performance-based design standard
- Supports efficient EMS operations
- Promotes fiscal efficiency and cost benefit analysis
- Incorporates relevant emerging technologies
The CAAS GVS v.1.0 identifies the minimum requirements for new automotive Emergency Medical Services (EMS) ground ambulances built on Original Equipment Manufacturer’s Chassis (OEM) that are prepared by the OEM for use as an ambulance. This standard applies to new vehicles only.
The CAAS GVS v.1.0 does not apply to the following vehicle categories:
- Military Vehicles/Combat Support Ambulances
- Wheel Chair Vans/Transport Vehicles
- Mass-Casualty Vehicles/Ambulance Buses
- Refurbished or Remounted Ambulances
- Fire Apparatus