SCOTLAND, Ark. — Hundreds of people turned out Tuesday night to pay their respects to the family of Gayla Gregory. The flight paramedic was killed Aug. 31 along with pilot Kenneth Robertson and flight nurse Kenneth Meyer, Jr. while trying to reach a person injured in a traffic accident.
An empty paramedic flight suit Gayla Gregory once wore sat next to her casket Tuesday evening. “We can see that she was leaving us with comfort and assurance. We know where she is at,” said Leslie Bullard, Gregory’s niece.
By the hundreds, family, friends, and paramedics from all over Arkansas gathered to say goodbye. “She made several of us promise a long time ago that if this day ever came we would tell the story that she died doing what she loved,” said Rick Rauser, a coworker and former student.
Full Story: Hundreds pay respects to fallen flight paramedic