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EMS1 Quizzes offer a dynamic way to test your expertise on a wide range of topics relevant to EMS, from medical procedures and pharmacology to the pivotal moments in EMS history. They also delve into the culture and lifestyle of paramedics and EMTs, including media representations and popular culture. Engage with these quizzes to gauge your knowledge level or integrate them into training programs for both educational enrichment and a bit of fun.

Check your knowledge of carbon monoxide poisoning causes, symptoms and protective strategies on scene
Understanding these fractures is vital for providing effective patient care and making informed treatment and transport decisions
Show off your expertise at assessing and treating narcotics overdose
Test your knowledge of COVID-19 best practices and up-to-date information
Take this quiz to test your knowledge of alpha and beta receptors and how the autonomic nervous system works
Are you ready to respond to a stroke emergency call? Find out by taking our quiz
Do you know the most current protocols for treating arrhythmia, cardiac arrest and other heart conditions?
Use this quiz to determine your level of understanding when it comes to relieving your patients of pain
Are you ready to respond to a cardiac emergency? Prove by taking our 10-question quiz
How familiar are you with the symptoms and concerns that accompany COPD exacerbations?
Take our 5-minute quiz to find out how your assessment skills measure up
Test your knowledge to make sure you’re up to speed, or find out if you need to refer back to your flashcards
In the event of an MCI, there may be a number of victims who require immediate treatment to stop life-threatening hemorrhaging
Show off your knowledge of anatomy and physiology basics and terms of direction you learned in EMT training
Show off your knowledge of infrequently used or applied EMT knowledge that you may have learned in school
Most EMS provider back injuries result from lifting patients – do you know how to position your body to minimize your risk?
How much do you really know about supraglottic airway management uses, contraindications and techniques?
Do you think you know everything about the popular ‘70s TV series and the members of Squad 51? Let’s see if you’ve got what it takes to get a perfect score
Take this quiz to test your knowledge on the paramedic vs. EMT conundrum
Test your knowledge of fentanyl exposure, protection and treatment
Be sure to share your results and prove to everyone you’re the biggest movie buff you know
Do you know everything there is to know about CPR? Take the quiz and find out
Test your knowledge on the challenges of assessing and treating children with capnography
How prepared are you to identify and treat injuries from shootings, bombings, stabbings and slashings?
Show off your knowledge of the indications and contraindications for medications commonly administered by EMTs
Take our 10-question quiz to test your knowledge, then share your results and challenge your colleagues to prove their expertise
How well do you know hydrocodone? This quiz covers proper dosing, potential side effects, and patient reactions. Take this quiz to find out.
Test your ability to apply the SALT triage method to a collection of simulated MCI patients
Test your knowledge of neonatal resuscitation and pediatric patient care with this quiz
Test your ability to apply the START algorithm to a collection of simulated MCI patients
How much do you know about some of the relevant and irrelevant medical conditions patients are prone to disclose?
Share your results and challenge your EMS colleagues to prove they learned and retained the preparatory information from EMT school
How did you do? Make sure to share your results and challenge your EMS colleagues to match or beat your score