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Limmer Education

EMS Test Success

Limmer Education‘s mission is to help students pass the NREMT. We do this by using high quality, clinically accurate, and educationally sound products written by leading national educators.

Learn how to assess for deficiencies of a patient’s 3 Ps: pump, pipes and plasma
Three significant consequences of routine, excessive oxygen administration
Scenario: EMS work through resuscitation and management strategies when they respond to a call for pediatric drowning and find the child in cardiac arrest
A case study in opioid overdose complications, management strategies and provider safety
This non-linear patient assessment flowchart allows priority decision making beyond the basics of OPQRST and SAMPLE
Learn how to assess, monitor and manage pediatric asthma emergencies, as well as underlying pathophysiologic changes
Present the following points from the ACS, ACEP, NAEMSP spinal motion restriction guidelines to help EMS students make transport, device decisions
In 20-25% of cases, stroke symptoms and signs represent a stroke mimic, such as hypoglycemia, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis or infection
Show off your knowledge of anatomy and physiology basics and terms of direction you learned in EMT training
Show off your knowledge of infrequently used or applied EMT knowledge that you may have learned in school