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Limmer Education

EMS Test Success

Limmer Education‘s mission is to help students pass the NREMT. We do this by using high quality, clinically accurate, and educationally sound products written by leading national educators.

Learn about the types of burns, how to calculate BSA and how to treat burns and airway compromise
Does your ambulance design prohibit good patient care while putting providers at risk?
While mechanism doesn’t reliably predict injury, it does serve as the foundation for 3 early and critical decisions
Calls involving celebrities, chemical restraint, protests and mass shootings are just some of the scenarios that will put you in the public eye
Four distinct events must occur in order for an anaphylactic reaction to manifest
Flail chest, tension pneumothorax, cardiac tamponade and pulmonary contusion have unique presentations, but all jeopardize vital functions
Changing the way we think about and train providers on oxygen administration
Though their chief complaint of shortness of breath is the same, these patients develop dyspnea by different means
Common respiration pathologies and those that impair ventilation
“The ‘new normal’ won’t work if you can’t break the traditional classroom mold”