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7 Benefits of Implementing an Online Time Clock Into Your Time and Attendance Process


EMS agencies nationwide have started implementing biometric clocks into their time and attendance scheduling process based on the numerous benefits that come with the system. Biometric technology offers one of the most cost effective, convenient, and secure forms of employee and staff identification available in the world today; combining this tool with a strong EMS scheduling suite enables each agency to run at optimal performance. Below are the top 7 benefits of integrating an online time clock into your time and attendance processes.

Benefit 1: Online Time Clock will Eliminate Time Theft

One of the most highly regarded benefits of a biometric time clock is its ability to eliminate employee time theft. A biometric time clock can detect user or fraudulent attempts within seconds and with precision and does not rely on any sort of security camera, pin number, badge or FOB which are all significantly less accurate and secure options. Integrating this tool with an EMS scheduling management system allows agencies the capability to create thresholds that require employees to give an explanation if they clocked in or out before the scheduled shift time. Each agency is allowed to use their discretion (based on the reasoning) whether or not to accept the actual punch in/out time, or keep it at the scheduled set time.

Benefit 2: Increased Productivity

Biometric technology also brings to light automated processes. All the information on the online time clock is stored and reported through an automated system, eliminating the need to keep time and attendance manually. By doing this, it saves confusion and time for the employee be eliminating the need to refute documented times, reduces the amount of staff needed to manage the data, and provides an accurate account of time and attendance data to the payroll department. Implementing a biometric clock into current scheduling workflows helps to effectively manage business processes and will lead to an overall increase in productivity.

Benefit 3: Eliminates Buddy Punching

Buddy punching is a term coined for the act of one employee punching in for another employee using their ID access. Although buddy punching is illegal, employers continue to lose millions of dollars in financial loss a year. A biometric time clock captures unique biological traits to detect an employee based on their specific makeup. The characteristics or psychological attributes of a person cannot be duplicated or forged, eliminating the ability for a coworker to clock in or out for another employee.

Benefit 4: Faster Proven ROI

A direct ROI can be shown by investing in a biometric time clock. An ROI for an EMS agency can be seen through increased productivity, cost management and time savings. An increase in productivity can be seen by giving your employees a piece of mind when it comes to the tracking or their attendance and shift clock in and out times. When employees feel like their time and money are secure, they are able to focus their attention on the tasks at work and perform at higher levels. A biometric clock also relieves hr departments, managers and supervisors of the time-consuming tasks related to tracking employee hours and ensures the highest form of data precision.

Benefit 5: Efficient Payroll Processing

With an online time clock system, agencies can eliminate the costs occurred from mistakes made while manually inputting the data from physical time sheets. These times are given to payroll and directly effect the amount an employee makes on each paycheck. If the information is entered incorrectly, it can ultimately affect an employee’s time worked, overtime, sick, and vacation time. Biometric time clocks are able to automatically record payroll hours, ensuring that payroll information is transmitted accurately every time. Implementing a biometric time clock can also give agencies the opportunity to reduce overhead and allocate resources to other areas of the organization.

Benefit 6: Improve Employee Accountability

One of the best features of a biometric clock is the audit trails. Everything that has to do with the clocking in and out of employees are recorded, tracked and stored for future use. With biometric technology, there is no question of if the information is inaccurate based on human error. It also eliminates the risk of any type of favoritism or changes to the time sheets. When employees understand that they are solely responsible for their actions and performance at work, and will be held accountable for taking unscheduled breaks, lunches or time-off, productivity will greatly increase.

Benefit 7: Easy and Safe for Use

Biometric time clocks require no password, pin numbers or cards, eliminating the chances of the identification being lost, stolen or forgotten. This will make the process of clocking in and out for shifts very simple for workers, as well as removing the possibility of upper management or HR taking time out of their day to make lost or stolen badges. Other than the chance of an employee having a serious physical injury or disease, biometric technology stays consistent and permanent.

eCore Has the Online Time Clock that Your Business Needs

Biometric time clocks are known for being the secure, time-efficient and cost saving solution for clocking in and out. It gives your employees a piece of mind, allowing them to increase their productivity at work while also relieving some of the cumbersome responsibility off hr, supervisors and management. While it may seem like an obvious choice for large EMS agencies, many of the benefits seen above will apply to smaller organizations as well.

Need an extra layer of security with attendance for your EMS agency? The ePro BioClock is an optional biometric solution that integrates with the eCore Scheduling platform, ePro Scheduler Plus. The ePro Bioclock employs a USB fingerprint scanner and an internet connected Windows application. Want to learn more? Reach out to us today to learn more about the ePro Bioclock, ePro Scheduler Plus and the additional tools we have available!

About eCore Software Inc.
eCore Software Inc. is a leading provider of web-based software applications. ePro Scheduler Plus has been providing value to public service organizations like EMS operations, fire and police departments, 911 dispatch agencies and hospitals since 1998. Our flagship product ePro Scheduler is an industry leader in integrated scheduling, time & attendance and payroll and continues to be the workflow solution selected by the leading high performance EMS operations across the US.