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Calgary EMS Partners with ZOLL Data Systems

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Large EMS Organization Selects ePCR Solution Due to its ‘Reduced Cost of Ownership’

Broomfield, Colo. — ZOLL Data Systems, Inc. a subsidiary of ZOLL Medical Corporation (NASDAQ: ZOLL), today announced that the City of Calgary EMS, the largest EMS provider in the province of Alberta, Canada, has joined ZOLL Data Systems’ roster of more than 700 customers with the purchase of RescueNet ™ TabletPCR to improve operational efficiencies.

Calgary EMS began to monitor the evolution of electronic patient care reporting back in 1989 as they managed documentation, billing, quality assurance, research, and medical control with a manual paper-based system. As the software solutions became more intuitive, and hardware options were ruggedized and built to run faster, Calgary EMS began to seriously consider switching from paper to an electronic solution.

“We also had to consider whether our staff was ready for an electronic solution and if the dollars were available, given that we’re partially funded with taxpayer dollars,” said Terry Abrams, ePCR Project Manager at Calgary EMS.

Calgary EMS began its search in 2002 and spent over a year evaluating the ePCR solutions available on the market before beginning a comprehensive RFP process in 2005. They required a robust solution that was standardized from a ‘computer-industry’ perspective so that it would work with their existing architecture. They narrowed their search to four finalists, asking two vendors to present product demonstrations.

“We selected the RescueNet TabletPCR solution for many reasons,” said Mr. Abrams. “Our IT architecture specialists said the solution ‘walked on water’ with respect to its ability to integrate into our legacy systems. We handle more than 100,000 calls per year, so it had to be robust, be intuitive and flexible for the medics, and be easy to learn to use. The large customer base that ZOLL Data Systems has was also very important to us,” said Mr. Abrams.

Calgary EMS’ decision was based more on the superiority of the product and customer service rather than just the price. “We appreciated the fact that ZOLL and ZOLL Data Systems came all the way up to Calgary and brought with them the entire team of players who would be working to provide the total solution that we needed,” said Mr. Abrams.

“ZOLL Data Systems made it a priority to listen to the needs of Calgary EMS, and provide a solution that could help solve their business problems,” said David Brown, president of ZOLL Data Systems. “We feel that it’s the reduced cost of ownership that puts our solutions above the others. This is accomplished with the decreased amount of training time needed, the configurability of our product so customers don’t have to change their business practices, and successful and timely deployment. It’s also about someone answering the phone when our customers need technical support, and getting regular updates to the product that make RescueNet TabletPCR the best ePCR solution on the market.”

Data mining was also a vital element for Calgary EMS. It was a requirement that the RescueNet TabletPCR reports lead to better clinical care for their patients. Calgary EMS also needed reports required by their provincial EMS office. ZOLL Data Systems built an interface to allow data flow directly into their billing solution to improve efficiency in that area of their operation. The flexibility of the interface with the Calgary hospitals and its ability to evolve to an electronic version was also a key element in the total solution.

“One of the most important things we need in an ePCR solution is the ability to capture the continuity of care in a single patient care report,” added Mr. Abrams. “Our EMS system uses many different ways of delivering pre-hospital care to our patients — single paramedic response units, ALS transport ambulances, bicycle medics, tactical medics, and air medical crews. This single patient care record is crucial in allowing each group to document its contribution all the way through the process. We expect this new ePCR solution to improve patient care, operational efficiencies and capabilities, as well as improve documentation compliance. We are excited about what this product offers to our service.”

About ZOLL Data Systems
ZOLL Data Systems, Inc., of Broomfield, Colorado, develops, markets, and sells the RescueNet suite — computer-aided dispatch, billing, field data collection, crew scheduling, and mobile data software for the emergency medical services (EMS) market. RescueNet is the only fully integrated EMS information management system that allows EMS organizations to manage critical information for maximum performance. For more information, visit

About ZOLL Medical Corporation
ZOLL Medical Corporation is committed to developing technologies that help advance the practice of resuscitation. With products for pacing, defibrillation, circulation, ventilation, and fluid resuscitation, ZOLL provides a comprehensive set of technologies that help clinicians, EMS professionals, and lay rescuers resuscitate sudden cardiac arrest or trauma victims. ZOLL also designs and markets software that automates the documentation and management of both clinical and non-clinical information.

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