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Photos: W.Va. rig hangs off bridge after crash

Both Charleston FD EMS providers were transported to a hospital for treatment


Photo/Charleston (W.Va.) Fire Department

By Leila Merrill

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — A Charleston Fire Department ambulance wound up partly hanging off the Patrick Street Bridge after a crash Monday night, WVMetronews reported.

Captain David Hodges said the crew had gone to a fire station across the bridge to restock supplies after transporting a patient. The ambulance did not contain a patient at the time of the crash.

“It appears they somehow got into the curb, which is a very high curb, and it pulled the ambulance up into the curb and then went through the rail,” said Hodges.

The two EMS providers were transported to a hospital, treated and released.

The ambulance sustained moderate damage, and the incident is under investigation.