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Uniform Stories Staff

Uniform Stories

Uniform Stories features a variety of contributors. These sources are experts and educators within their profession. Uniform Stories covers an array of subjects like field stories, entertaining anecdotes, and expert opinions.

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Regardless of my title, I know my job and I know what I’m worth to society, and that’s all that matters
I don’t even remember the drive over to the hospital, but I do recall how quickly the doctor halted all efforts
Our communities trust us with their lives, but that doesn’t make us heroes
Fortunately for me, I’ve learned over the years that hiding emotion doesn’t equate to strength.
We work long hours, often make low wages, and have to deal with some pretty difficult situations
There are people who are angry and people who hate us; understanding the difference is extremely important
If you could start your career over, would you do anything differently?
The sweats came back, the flashbacks, the images and visions and sights and sounds that had left me a useless shell
It won’t be until you have hung up the radio, stripped off the uniform and had a chance to reflect when will you be able to realize your contributions
Do any of these sound familiar?