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3 dead, 22 hospitalized following bus rollover

An early Sunday morning accident involvied a bus and multiple other cars north of Bernalillo, N.M., on Interstate 25

By Pilar Martinez
Albuquerque Journal, N.M.
BERNALILLO, N.M.—Three people are dead, and 22 people are hospitalized following an early Sunday morning accident involving a bus and multiple other cars north of Bernalillo on Interstate 25, Sandoval County Fire Chief James Maxon said.
The interstate is closed near the accident in both directions while the investigation is happening, Maxon said.
Maxon said the accident happened around 2:18 a.m. on I-25, and that a passenger bus, a semi truck, a pickup truck and one car were involved.
Maxon did not know what caused the accident, or what direction the vehicles were traveling in when the accident happened.
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