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Accident sends Calif. motorcycle rider to hospital with major injuries

Motorcycle drifted across the double yellow lines into the westbound lane, truck swerved to avoid

By Mary Weston
Chico Enterprise-Record

OROVILLE — A 58-year-old Oroville man was hospitalized this afternoon with major injuries after his Harley Davidson motorcycle sideswiped a Ford 350 truck, according to police.

Around 1 p.m., Michael Costas was riding his motorcycle eastbound on Georgia Pacific way near Baggett Marysville Road, according to information from Oroville Police Chief Bill LaGrone and officer Gary Vrooman.

Timothy Daurghty, 60, of Oroville, was driving a Ford 350 truck west on Georgia Pacific Way.

Around the curve at the east end of Georgia Pacific Way, the motorcycle drifted across the double yellow lines into the westbound lane.
Vrooman said the truck driver tried to swerve to miss the motorcycle.

However the motorcycle sideswiped the truck on the left side slid past the driver’s door and the back of the truck.

Vrooman said Costas did not fall off the motorcycle until it got past the truck.

Costas foot was seriously injured in the accident, and he was taken by ambulance to Enloe Medical Center in Chico.

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