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Paramedic injured at crash scene in Vancouver

By James Weldon
North Shore News

VANCOUVER, British Columbia — A BC Ambulance Service paramedic had to be rescued from the scene of a West Vancouver car crash over the weekend after he tumbled down an embankment while trying to help a man who had driven off the highway.

Emergency crews were called to the area near Eagleridge Drive on Hwy. 1 at about 1 a.m. Sunday after receiving reports that the driver of a 1989 Jeep YJ had lost control and plunged over the barrier. But when rescuers reached the vehicle, which had come to rest at the base of a steep embankment, they found it empty.

A search was launched, and a police dog team together with a police helicopter scoured the area for the missing man. After more than an hour had passed with no sign of him, emergency workers started to pack up their operation.

Full Story: Patient spotted 100 meters from crash area