The Associated Press
CHEYENNE, Wyo. — The Highway Patrol says a 6-year-old girl is dead and seven of her relatives are injured following a rollover crash on Interstate 80 in southwestern Wyoming.
Sgt. Stephen Townsend says Dynasty X. Barcenas of Plainfield, Ill., died following the crash around 3:30 a.m. Friday in Sweetwater County.
He says in a press release that a car driven by 24-year-old Daniel Rebarchek of Wheatland, Wyo., hit the rear end of an SUV carrying the child and eight of her relatives, and the vehicle went off the road and rolled over.
Townsend says everyone in the SUV except the driver, 37-year-old Sourisack Sounthonevichith, were ejected. The driver escaped injury but all others were taken to area hospitals, but the patrol had no word on conditions.
Townsend says Rebarcheck didn’t stop and was arrested a couple hours later. He faces several charges including aggravated vehicular homicide.
Dynasty’s family, three adults and the rest children, was en route from Illinois to California for a wedding. The patrol didn’t further detail their relationships.