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Inside EMS Podcast: Why EMS should take depression seriously

Chris and Kelly also talk about a recent officer-involved shooting in Ferguson, Mo. that resulted in the fatality of a teenager

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In this week’s Inside EMS podcast, hosts Chris Cebollero and Kelly Grayson take a look at depression and how it affects those in the EMS field in light of Robin Williams’ apparent suicide.

“When we think about depression we put an exclamation point on it and tell people to just get over it, but it’s more than that,” Chris said. “For people who put themselves in a position to take their own lives, these people are really lost and there’s got to be something we can do to help them.”

Chris and Kelly recommended those battling with depression to check out the Code Green Campaign. They offer an anonymous safe haven to share your stories. They have a website under development, and they plan to offer educational content, support and referral services in the very near future.

In the clinical issue, they discuss why quality assurance needs a new and improved process in EMS.

“One of the things that has always struck me about QA procedures in EMS agencies is that too many of them are viewed as the protocol police,” Kelly said. “That’s clue number one that if your people whose tickets you review are looking at you that way, that you’re probably doing it wrong.”

At the guest table, Chris talks about a recent officer-involved shooting in Ferguson, Mo. that resulted in the fatality of a teenager. Over the past five days, there has been rioting, looting and assaults as a result of the incident. Chris and Kelly discuss the incident and how to keep EMS personnel safe and motivated.

Here are links to some of the articles and other items mentioned on the show:

Report: Robin Williams found dead in apparent suicide

True confessions of a clinically depressed medic

Suicide and salvation in EMS: How to save a medic’s life

How Grady EMS managed 2 Ebola patient transports

Honolulu reaches EMS deal for 4-day weeks

Vandalism, looting after vigil for Mo. man in OIS

Violence continues in Mo. police protests

The Inside EMS podcast is a regular expert discussion of hot topics, clinical issues, operational and leadership lessons for EMTs, paramedics and chiefs