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Wis. city to appeal order to pay fired paramedics $622K

An arbitrator ruled that paramedics John Uebelacker and Matthew Schaller were wrongfully terminated in 2014

By EMS1 Staff

SUN PRAIRIE, Wis. — Officials voted to appeal a ruling ordering the city to pay two former paramedics over $600,000 after being cleared of wrongdoing.

An arbitrator ruled that Sun Prairie must pay paramedics John Uebelacker and Matthew Schaller after they were wrongfully terminated in 2014.

The ruling stated Sun Prairie EMS’s investigation was faulty and biased, and that the two should be rehired and compensated for salary loss, reported Channel 3000.

“After careful consideration, the city has determined it will continue to oppose what it believes is an erroneous decision and pursue its rights in the circuit court and to the appellate courts if necessary,” city council officials said.