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Quick Clip: Why EMS providers don’t need that whole steak

Guest Bryan Fass talks about the importance of portion control when it comes to eating healthier in EMS

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In this week’s Inside EMS Quick Clip, hosts Chris Cebollero and Kelly Grayson sit down with EMS1 Columnist and health and nutrition expert Bryan Fass to discuss the challenges of eating healthy on the job.

“Portion control is huge,” Fass said.

When eating out, EMS providers need to be aware that servings are usually double or triple what a normal portion should be, and packed with carbohydrates to fill you up.

He uses the example of a restaurant’s ‘signature steak,’ which averages around 20 ounces.

“That eight ounce steak is two complete meals worth of protein,” Fass said. And let’s not forget about the big baked potato often offered as a side.

“To your body, that baked potato is about 15 cubes of sugar,” he said. And that’s not counting the butter, sour cream and bacon bits.

Instead, Fass recommends eating smaller portions at more frequent intervals to keep your metabolism revved up. Next time you order a steak, split everything in half, put it in a box, and come back to it three hours later when you’re hungry again, he suggests.

The Inside EMS podcast is a regular expert discussion of hot topics, clinical issues, operational and leadership lessons for EMTs, paramedics and chiefs