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Md. paramedic delivers baby in taxi

A taxi driver pulled into the fire station to ask for help

BALTIMORE — A Baltimore man said he pulled his taxicab into a fire station when it appeared his baby was going to be born in the back of the vehicle.

William Smith said he was driving Tanieka Vaughan to the hospital for the birth of their child after her water broke at about 6 a.m. Saturday, but he pulled the cab into the Engine No. 33 station at 7:30 a.m. when it became apparent the child was not going to wait, WBAL-TV, Baltimore, reported.

Smith said firefighters and paramedics initially thought he was joking when he asked for help but could not argue with the evidence in his back seat.

“So when the man came out, he saw the baby was in my drawers,” Vaughan said. “The baby’s head was out, with the arm hanging out.”

A paramedic from the station delivered the baby, De’asia Renee Patricia Smith, in the back of the cab and the infant was transported with her mother to the University of Maryland Medical Center.

“Everything worked out for the best, though. As long as she’s healthy and the baby’s healthy, everything is all right,” Smith said.

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