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Ga. paramedic laid to rest after memorial service


Photo The Sentinel
Mourners gather to pay their respects.

By Winston Jones
The Sentinel

DOUGLASVILLE, Ga. — Hundreds of family, friends and public safety officials filled the First Baptist Church of Douglasville sanctuary Saturday to pay final respects to their fallen comrade, Douglas County Firefighter/Paramedic Paul Holmes.

Holmes, 37, of Dallas, died last Monday morning from injuries received in a Dec. 26 ambulance-car collision on Anneewakee Road.

Fire Chief Scott Spencer remembered Holmes at the 2 p.m. service as a man “who always had a smile on his face” and “adored his family.”

“He graduated less than a month ago from our rookie firefighter class,” Spencer said. “After the ceremony, he told me it was one of the proudest moments of his life. He was proud not only to be a paramedic, but to be called a firefighter.”

After Spencer’s opening remarks, a video of the rookie class’ training and graduation was shown. “This is a special breed of people who live to save the lives of others,” Pastor Jerry Helton, a family friend, said in his eulogy. “We can never thank you enough for what you do.

“Douglas County has lost a young paramedic and fireman, and many of you have lost a family member, a friend and a colleague.”

Jeff Bennett, a family friend, sang “Peace in the Valley,” a hymn written by a Villa Rica native, Rev. Thomas Dorsey.

Deputy Chief Kim Ransom said the ringing of bells is associated with fire fighting. The command staff of the fire/EMS department then conducted a bell ceremony.

“It’s a call to duty, to place your life in jeopardy,” Ransom said before the bell rang out. “When the call has ended, the bell is sounded again. Paul his finished his task and the ringing is a signal of a job well done.”

Fire/EMS Chaplain Allan Costlow delivered the prayer and the service was concluded with Burny Agee playing “Amazing Grace” on the bagpipes.

The funeral processional left the church, passing under an arch made by fire ladder trucks at the intersection of Prestley Mill Road and Hospital Drive.
Many processional participants walked the last mile, followed by a line of fire and rescue apparatus and other public service vehicles.

The graveside service included a trumpet call and “Taps.” performed by Tim Anderson and a flyover by air ambulances. A flag was presented to Mrs. Jamie Holmes, Paul’s wife, and his daughter, Alexandra.

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