PALM BEACH, Fla. — A Fla. firefighter/EMT who flagged down a police officer to report a stolen laptop was arrested after the officer found a crack pipe in the firefighter’s pocket.
Palm Beach County Fire Rescue Firefighter Mark E. Freseman, 45, was arrested Tuesday afternoon. The arresting officer responded to Firefighter Freseman’s call after he said that he was “going to hangout” with an “unknown white female” who ended up stealing his laptop case and charger.
While searching Firefighter Freseman’s vehicle, the officer found a bottle of alcohol and two prescription bottles. One contained a white substance later determined to be cocaine and the other reportedly had hydrocodone and muscle relaxants, according to the Sun-Sentinel.
Firefighter Freseman alleged that he had a prescription for the medication.
When the officer gave Firefighter Freseman a pat-down, he found a crack pipe in his right front pocket.
It is unclear how his arrest will affect his employment with the department.
He was released from jail on a $42,000 bond.