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Calif. department plans BLS transport pilot program

Residents will be able to book AFD BLS for dialysis, other medical visits

By Sam Felsing
Alameda Sun

ALAMEDA, Calif. — The Alameda Fire Department (AFD) wants to offer a basic life support (BLS) ambulance transportation service to Alamedans.

On Feb. 7, Fire Chief Mike D’Orazi and City Controller Fred Marsh asked the city council to approve a two-year BLS transport pilot program. The city council approved the program.

“By providing BLS transport services, AFD will deliver a broader range of ambulance services for the community. Administered by AFD, the program will offer the expediency of a locally operated service from an experienced and trusted ambulance transport provider,” a city staff report states.

Full Story: Firefighters to Provide Appointment Ambulance