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New Edition of Book Dedicated to RSI

Darren Braude, MD, a noted airway expert and educator and co-director of the Airway911 program at the University of New Mexico, has recently released the second edition of “Rapid Sequence Intubation and Rapid Sequence Airway, An Airway911 Guide.”

This remains the only book focused exclusively on RSI and RSA. All aspects of RSI and RSA are covered in an evidence-based fashion including: Basic Principles, Pharmacology, The Difficult and Missed Airway, The Multiple Attempts Algorithm, Pediatric Considerations, The 10 Ps, Legal Issues, Documentation and Quality Assurance.

The book is written in a unique, easy-to-read conversational style. The 192 page text is supplemented with over 100 color photos and illustrations, tables and case scenarios, as well as color-coding to highlight key points, pitfalls and evidence-based material.

This is a great introduction to RSI and RSA for those without experience and a great review of the latest thinking and evidence for the experienced practitioner. This is a must-read if you already have, or are considering implementing, a prehospital RSI or RSA program.

The book may be purchased on Amazon or through for $50.