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‘Father of paramedics’ dies in NY

By Gail Larkin
The Staten Island Advance

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — A little more than 35 years ago, a young physician with a vision by the name of Dr. Sheldon Jacobson changed your life. His June 30 passing leaves those of us in medicine with an emptiness, but at the same time, we must celebrate a life well lived and dedicated to helping you, the anonymous person who might someday be in need of care.

The early 1970s were a time a rapid change in the field of emergency medicine. It was still mostly a “scoop and run” approach — getting patients to the hospital as quickly as possible.

Even with the improved training, pre-hospital care left much to be desired. Patients often died before reaching the hospital. A young physician in the Bronx had a vision — ‘Why not bring the hospital to the patient?’

Full story: Present-day emergency medicine result of physician’s vision