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EMS strong launches “Ready Today. Preparing for tomorrow.” Campaign to honor EMS professionals

Campaign unifies the profession and brings awareness to National EMS Week, May 17-23, 2020

WASHINGTON– The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP), in partnership
with the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT), is proud to announce this
STRONG campaign provides opportunities to recognize the Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
community, enhance and strengthen the profession on a national level and celebrate National EMS
Week, May 17-23, 2020.

The campaign brings together key organizations, media partners and corporate sponsors that are
committed to recognizing and fortifying the EMS community, commending recent groundbreaking
accomplishments and increasing awareness of National EMS Week.

“As we enter a new decade, we look ahead to the future of prehospital care. This future will include
dramatic improvements in patient care, thanks to advances in research, information sharing and lifechanging technology,” says William P. Jaquis, MD, FACEP, President of ACEP. “During National EMS
Week, and throughout the year, we are proud to recognize EMS and fire professionals who tirelessly
serve their communities and care for patients and their families every day.” serves as a resource for stakeholders and the public to learn of inspiring stories from
EMS practitioners, ways to get involved and EMS Week ideas, activities and templates. The website,
which is also home to the annual EMS Week Planning Guide, encourages EMS professionals and
stakeholders to promote their own industry and share content on social media platforms.

“The 2020 theme ‘Ready Today. Preparing for Tomorrow’ reflects what individual EMS professionals and
organizations do every day as they respond to calls for help at any time and in any place,” explains NAEMT President Matt Zavadsky. “The EMT and paramedic care of tomorrow will continue to expand
into services that include community paramedicine, injury and illness prevention training and CPR and
bleeding control education.”

EMS Week dedicates each weekday to specific themes under the “Ready Today. Preparing for
Tomorrow.” umbrella. First responders are encouraged to plan activities and events around these
themes in their communities.

  • Monday, May 18: EMS Education Day
  • Tuesday, May 19: EMS Safety Day
  • Wednesday, May 20: EMS for Children Day
  • Thursday, May 21: Save-A-Life Day (CPR & National Stop the Bleed Day)
  • Friday, May 22: EMS Recognition Day

Integral to the campaign’s success is the continuing involvement of the corporate sponsors, strategic
association partners and strategic media partners.

Corporate Supporters include:
Genentech, American Red Cross, DrFirst, Health Scholars, Stryker, Teleflex, NHTSA/Office of EMS,
National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT), AdvancedCPR Solutions, Aero Healthcare,
Air Methods, Laerdal Medical, McKesson Medical-Surgical, North American Rescue, Sprint and Zoll.

Strategic Association Partners include:
American Ambulance Association, Association of Air Medical Services, Commission on Accreditation for
Prehospital Continuing Education, Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the EMS
Professions, International Association of Fire Chiefs, International Association of Flight and Critical Care
Paramedics, International Public Safety Association, National Association of EMS Educators, National
Association of EMS Physicians, National Association of State EMS Officials, National EMS Management
Association, National Fire Protection Association, National Registry of EMTs and National Volunteer Fire

Strategic Media Partners include:, EMS World and JEMS/EMS Today
For more information on the campaign, please visit: