Easy three-step activation gets agencies up and running in days
ATLANTA—Government agencies can now launch Acivilate’s Pokket app within days for confidential engagement of vulnerable citizens as prolonged work at home becomes necessary during the COVID-19 pandemic. Pokket allows government agencies to secure the health and well-being of its staff and citizens by minimizing the need for face-to-face contact, allowing all parties to collaborate and check-in via their smartphone. Uses for the app include curfew check-in for those on probation and parole, continuity of care for at-risk children, or self-isolation for social services clients under quarantine.
“Pokket, designed for health and human services agencies and clients, has successfully supported departments of correction since 2017, long before the COVID-19 crisis put staff and clients at risk,” said Louise Wasilewski, CEO. “The Pokket mobile web-app is a case management tool your clients can use so they are accountable and continue to receive the support needed during this challenging time. We stand ready to meet states’ needs.”
With Acivilate’s support, three steps get agencies up and running in days, instead of months:
- Step 1: Share staff and client contact information with Acivilate to rapidly activate remote collaboration.
- Step 2: Train staff, in an hour, with user-friendly videos and tutorials on YouTube.
- Step 3: Launch staff and then clients onto the Pokket app to support a sustained period of remote engagement. Clients can also learn to use Pokket from short videos.
Acivilate will be hands-on through preparation, training and deployment to ensure that the launch is successful for all involved. The PokketSM app is an adaptable and reliable technology partner in this time of crisis.