Brought to you by eCore Software
Each year more requirements are put on the EMS industry to fulfill the need for higher quality EMS professionals. As the U.S. population grows, it becomes more critical for emergency medical services and agencies to keep track of required licenses and certifications and ensure that all documentation is up to date and valid every time employees are on a shift. Usually this task alone can cost organizations thousands of dollars in management working on following these paper trails, but fortunately, there is now EMS scheduling software available that can automate the process of storing and tracking certifications and show their value through productivity gains and time savings for EMS agencies.
With a record high growth of EMS professionals in the U.S., the previous manual method of entering and reviewing data in a Microsoft Access Database or Excel spreadsheet is no longer reliable or recommended. Because of this, agencies across the nation have transitioned over to an automated certification and license tracking software to gain the tools and features listed below.
An Employee Scheduling Software For All
Both small and large agencies can have difficulty managing their employees’ certifications and licenses. Whether it is because of the lack of personnel to handle the paper processes, or the sheer size of the organization, trying to keep up with this in a manual way can be overwhelming for the majority of operations. While automated certification software is an obvious choice for large EMS agencies because of the tracking and warnings features, smaller agencies may benefit from some of the additional tools like reporting that can allow them to generate specific views of which employees have which certifications at a given time
Built-In Warnings For Expired Certifications
Being proactive is always better than being reactive and this is especially true within the EMS industry. If an employee is in the field with expired certifications, licenses, or credentials agencies can be charged with costly fines and penalties. Now that agencies are at risk of a liability for having employees working with expired documentation, it is vital that all licenses and certifications are updated and current at all times. To adhere to this, certification tracking software allows you to set up automated warnings months or weeks in advance to notify the employee that a certification or license is expiring, allowing them to get it renewed and stay eligible for future shifts.Security-Added security can mean more control and peace of mind for many agencies. An automated certification tracking system allows EMS agencies to store records of all employees’ certification documents and keep a backlog of all expired certifications and licenses that each employee had. Permission-based groups can be set up that will require a certain employee to have management rights to view other employee records.This security feature allows management to have a peace of mind in knowing that both outdated and current certifications and licenses are stored in one central, secure location and can be accessed by only the intended people.
Certification Requirements Hierarchy
Nurses, paramedics, EMT’s, pilots, and even drivers, all need specific certifications to do their jobs. Because of this, an EMS tailored certification and license tracking software will offer the ability to build a custom list for employee certification tracking and tie it directly to a specifically mandated job qualification, this ensuring that lower-ranking positions (such as an EMT are not allowed to work above their qualifications, while simultaneously allowing higher ranking positions (such as a paramedic) to have the option to work all shifts that meet their qualifications.
Automated Certification Submission
Many EMS certification tracking software’s come with the option to provide self-service features for your workforce. These features give your employees the ability to upload renewed certification and license records straight to the database and wait for an approval message from management. These records can be submitted from any desktop, tablet, or camera enables mobile phone.
One of the most commonly used reports by management for certification and license tracking is the nightly reports for management. This report is sent out to managers every night and enables management to get a daily overview of all expired and soon-to-expire certifications and licenses throughout the organization. In addition to the nightly report, agencies often run reports such as certifications by the employee, employee by certification, and certification matrix reports that show the hierarchy requirements based on job roles.
Use EMS Crew Scheduling Software To Keep Accurate Records
Keeping accurate records of certifications and licenses is vital to any agency, and with ePro Scheduler Plus, nothing falls through the cracks. eCore Software’s ePro Scheduler Plus is fully integrated with scheduling and online time clock tools but also employee certification tracking software to help ensure that only employees with up-to-date credentials are out in the field, keeping your agency safe from costly fines and penalties. ePro Scheduler offers a variety of capabilities for Certification Tracking including, certification tracking, employee certification submission, certification to a role assignment, built-in warnings, and supervisor approvals.
ePro Scheduler Plus Is The Certification Tracking Software For Your Agency
ePro Scheduler Plus is an extremely flexible and scalable web-based crew scheduling software solution that makes scheduling and certification tracking easy, intuitive and cost-effective. With a wide range of options and settings, ePro Scheduler Plus becomes a fine-tuned employee scheduling machine addressing your specific needs. It is ideal for public service organizations like EMS operations, fire and police departments, 911 dispatch agencies and hospitals.
If you are in the EMS industry and need a scheduling software that automates your license and certification process, get in touch with us today to find out how to request a free demo.
About eCore Software Inc.
eCore Software Inc. is a leading provider of web-based software applications. Our products have been providing value to public service organizations like EMS operations, fire departments and 911 dispatch agencies since 1998. Our flagship product ePro Scheduler is an industry leader in integrated scheduling, time & attendance and payroll and continues to be the workflow solution selected by the leading high performance EMS operations across the US. For more information on everything eCore has to offer, or to register for a free demo, visit our website!