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EMS eSchedule Adds Handy New Features to Software

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FAIRPORT, NY -- We are consistently adding new features to EMS eSchedule, providing no-cost upgrades to our customers. Our latest improvements include Member Updates in which members can now view and edit their contact information directly in EMS eSchedule. This feature has a few different levels of functionality. Please contact us if you’re interested in activating this feature for your agency.

The second of our newest features is the Certifications Upgrade. Administrators can now setup certification types, update the list of certifications, set the number of days it will notify members of an upcoming expiration and mark a certification as required.

About EMS eSchedule
EMS eSchedule offers web-based personnel & agency management software for EMS, fire and other related industries (Ambulance, Advanced Life Support, Fire, helicopter/air medical transport, etc.). Our functionality includes scheduling, time clock, attendance and payroll integration, shift availability, training & certification tracking and much more.

We can accommodate a variety of organizations including volunteer, mixed staff (volunteer and career) as well as municipal and commercial organizations.