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New First Aid System Meets 2006 National First Aid Science Advisory Board Buidelines

Not just a kit — this is a System
In partnership with the National Safety Council years of experience and research have gone into the creation of this unique patented product. Studies have revealed the most common injuries that occur in different settings. The All-Ready™ Complete First Aid System contains different injury care packs, each customized with all the necessary supplies and easy-to-read, step-by-step instructions with illustrations for these most common injuries that take place at home, in the workplace, and while traveling. Designated care packs address breathing, bleeding, bone, eye, head & spine, burn, bites & stings, and shock. In addition, each care pack has color-and icon-coded instruction cards for rapid identification.

The All-Ready™ Complete First Aid System comes packaged in a soft-sided carrying case. The System easily integrates into existing first aid training programs and allows companies to meet OSHA standards. All instructional materials are based on the latest standards in emergency care and have been approved by the National Safety Council and meets the new 2006 National First Aid Science Advisory Board Guidlines. Re-supply is as easy as ordering a new pack.

The System is designed to actually help you help others
Having the correct supplies for a particular injury, along with step-by-step instructions with illustrations, will help anyone feel more confident administering accurate first aid. This is particularly crucial since statistics show that first aid is typically given by a non-professional and under stress, when the ability to think clearly and rapidly is greatly diminished — and the first 3-4 minutes after an injury can make the difference between life and death.

For more information visit our website, e-mail, call 561-244-8337