When EMS teams or their patients come in contact with hazardous materials, they reach first for Decon Gowns from Graham Medical Products. Made of strong yet comfortable nonwoven materials, the gowns provide discreet coverage by remaining opaque and durable even when wet. The gowns are generously sized to allow people to disrobe while under the gown. The new Decon Gowns are available in pre- and post-decontamination colors and come with waist ties that cinch to proper fit. The Decon Gowns are supplied by Graham Professional Medical Products, a leading marketer and supplier of single-use products for emergency services and are available through your local distributor. For more information, visit Graham Medical online at www.grahammedical.com or contact them at 1-866-429-1408.
For more information, contact
Lisa Cruz 920-731-2771 or lcruz@weidert.com