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Union Springs Pharmaceuticals Announces Value-Add Enhancements to MyClyns® Personal Protection Germ Spray

Erlanger, KY – Union Springs Pharmaceuticals, LLC, today announced some key upgrades to its MyClyns® Professional units that provide additional value to its users. In times when manufacturers are raising prices and cutting volume, MyClyns new packaging now contains double the volume of solution (12 ml) for the same price as the previous MyClyns professional spray (6 ml). Additionally, in response to feedback by its customers, the spray mechanism no longer contains an interior glass vial.

MyClyns is the groundbreaking germ defense spray that has been trusted by public safety, police, military, health care and EMS officials in the United States, Canada, and Europe and has been endorsed by the National Sheriffs’ Association and many other organizations. The overwhelming success of MyClyns has resulted in sales more than doubling this past year.

The solution in MyClyns reduces more than 60 clinically important pathogens by 99.99 percent and is the only product that can be safely sprayed in the eyes, mouth, nose, and in minor cuts and abrasions, where germs are most likely to enter the body. MyClyns is a pen-sized device, which allows first responders to protect themselves immediately after exposure to bodily fluids.

“MyClyns personal germ protection spray was designed with the public safety official in mind and situations when their safety is our top priority,” Union Springs Pharmaceuticals president Joel Ivers said. “With MyClyns now containing twice the volume of solution, we are providing our customers twice the germ protection when they are exposed to harmful pathogens. Because of our new design, we have been able to provide this significant advantage without raising our price. Additionally, the glass-free packaging provides added peace of mind and is invaluable to correction and police officers while tending to even the most precarious situations.”

MyClyns has been purchased by over 2,000 municipalities in the U.S. and in 35 countries worldwide. The product is available in black or white. Visit or call 1-877-Go-Clyns to find a distributor or to order directly from the company.

About Union Springs Pharmaceuticals, LLC
Union Springs Pharmaceuticals specializes in providing innovative personal and environmental protection products for the EMS, fire, law enforcement, corrections, military, government, healthcare and consumer markets. Union Springs Pharmaceuticals currently markets MyClyns, the revolutionary personal protection spray that can be applied into the eyes, nose and mouth. It has just launched its newest product, ViralClyns™, the only flat-fold respirator with the comfort and breathability of a face mask plus an infused EPA-approved antimicrobial. The company also offers the T-5000 and T-5000V P-95 respirators, the only P95 disposable respirators with antimicrobial technology. More information on Union Springs Pharmaceuticals and its products can be found at