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EMS Solutions Announces Turbo Medic v3.0

Turbo Medic

HENSONVILLE, NY - EMS Solutions announced immediate availability of the third year release of the popular EMS Study and Training Resource “Turbo Medic” enabling both students and experienced EMS professionals to acquire an all in one training resource for their home computer. This unveiling proves a continued effort by EMS Solutions to develop and provide better resources for EMS personnel. The availability of Turbo Medic v3.0 now gives a wider range of study materials and an improved platform for customers to access the data.

“This newest version includes over 10 hours of valuable video lectures and new audio including a NREMT Study Lab” said Bob Rayburn, Senior Development Manager at EMS Solutions. “With these advanced features we hope to take Turbo Medic v3.0 to a whole new level and offer customers more than practice exams.”

Turbo Medic v3.0 will give both paramedics and EMT’s more resources than any other comparable product and have them perform better on exams, increase their knowledge and provide a complete resource that will allow them to have it at their fingertips when ever they need it.

The Future of Turbo Medic

Just like past updates, this edition of Turbo Medic was driven by feedback from EMS professionals and students nationwide. EMS provider feedback has always been a part of EMS Solutions commitment to deliver the tools that professionals are using in the field today. The growth of their products depends on that business-customer interaction. The future of Turbo Medic will depend on not only current trends in EMS education, but also what the students and field personnel feel they may benefit from.

About EMS Solutions
Founded in 1997, EMS Solutions has been driven to provide unique and practical field and training resources for the EMS professional. The company offers a wide range of products and services designed by true EMS professionals. Visit the main website at