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CISM Perspectives Announces LODD Seminar

Line of Duty Death Pre-planning Seminar: A must seminar for Fire, EMS and Law Enforcement Chiefs, Line Officers, Safety Officers, Fire Police, Fire/EMS/Police Clergy, CISM/Peer Support Teams, Mental Health, Funeral Directors, EAP.

Feb 28th, 2009, 8:30 A.M. – 4:30 P.M. (Registration deadline: 2/25/2009) The Hamburg Volunteer Fire Department along with CISM Perspectives, a nationally respected Line of Duty Death(LODD) authority offers to you a powerful and thought provoking seminar on establishing a LODD Pre-plan, addressing the countless issues and needs for the family and your agency involved in this tragedy.

A sample of topics covered:
1. Tradition, Honor, Respect ©
2. Leading LODD causative factors
3. Best practices for emergency services funerals
4. How to establish and write a LODD Pre-plan
5. Appropriate death notification procedure training
6. Planning Wake, Funeral & Memorials for the fallen
7. CISM/Grief needs during and after
8. Supporting your agency during and after the event
9. Supporting the surviving family during and after the event
10. Public Safety Officers Benefit Programs (PSOB)
11. Local, regional and national LODD resources

Hamburg Volunteer Fire Dept.
301 Union St, Hamburg, NY
(Exit 57, NYS Rte. 90)

$125 per person, Departmental PO’s accepted, please call ahead
This workshop requires pre-registration, class size will be limited.

Registration forms available at

To Register:
Send full payment & completed registration form to:
CISM Perspectives, Inc
12 Sudbury Drive
Rochester, NY 14624

Questions to:
Dan McGuire, 585-739-9011 or

A special edition LODD commemorative pin and certificate of completion will be awarded to each seminar student.