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Advancing ED Clinical Decisions with Diagnostic Markers

ACEP Scientific Assembly, October 15-18, 2006

Scientific Symposium, sponsored by bioMérieux

bioMérieux will host a scientific symposium at the ACEP Scientific Assembly titled, “Advancing ED Clinical Decisions with Diagnostic Markers” with guest speakers, Dr. Philip Wells and Dr. Beat Müller. Dr. Wells is a physician at The Ottawa Hospital and Professor and Chief of the Division of Hematology at the University of Ottawa, and Dr. Müller is a Professor of Internal Medicine and Endocrinology, Head of the Endocrine Unit and Consultant for Internal Medicine at the University Hospitals of Basel, Switzerland.

The symposium with be moderated by Dr. Jerald Solot, Chairman of Emergency Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Shadyside Hospital (UPMC-Shadyside), and will cover current diagnostic strategies and clinical approaches. Dr. Wells and Dr. Müller will present compelling ideas on the clinical value and use of diagnostic markers, including procalcitonin, a very promising novel biomarker with indications in sepsis and lower respiratory infections.

Dr. Wells will discuss the Exclusion Strategy for treatment of Pulmonary Embolism and Deep Vein Thrombosis (Venous Thromboembolism, or VTE) using D-dimer; Dr. Müller will speak about lower respiratory tract infection assessment using procalcitonin (PCT). The symposium will take place Monday, October 16th at 6:00pm at the Sheraton New Orleans. While at ACEP, visit bioMérieux at their booth, #734.

Dr. Philip Wells
Dr. Wells developed a clinical and research practice that has enabled him to perform internationally recognized research. He pioneered the concept of clinical prediction rules to assist in the diagnosis of patients with suspected deep vein thrombosis, or pulmonary embolism, a practice that is now used in emergency rooms and thrombosis units throughout the world. His approach to deep vein thrombosis has been validated in over 7,000 patients and in dozens of publications. In 2003, an entire scientific session at the International Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis was devoted to the Wells’ Deep Vein Thrombosis Clinical Model.

Dr. Wells received his medical school education and specialty training in Internal Medicine at the University of Ottawa. He studied hematology at McMaster University, concentrating on the special problems of venous thrombosis (blood clots in the veins) under the tutelage of the internationally renowned expert, Dr. Jack Hirsh. At McMaster, he obtained an MSc degree in clinical epidemiology.

Dr. Beat Müller
Beat Müller is Internist and Endocrinologist / Diabetologist. He is Professor of Internal Medicine and Endocrinology, Head of the Endocrine Unit and Consultant for Internal Medicine at the University Hospitals of Basel, Switzerland. He received his MD degree from the University of Berne, Switzerland. Subsequent to his residency in Switzerland, he did a postdoctoral fellowship at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA.

Dr. Müller has attracted considerable research funding and overseas clinical and experimental research projects focusing on the role of hormone during illnesses, especially during inflammation and infections. Specifically, he investigates the functional regulation and effects of calcitonin peptides, including procalcitonin in systemic inflammation, bacterial infections and sepsis.

Dr. Müller was the principal investigator of the first and third subsequent intervention studies, enrolling more than 1,200 patients involving a sepsis marker in ED for the antibiotic guidance with suspected lower respiratory tract infection.