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Take steps to combat the threat of pandemic flu

Preparing for a pandemic influenza outbreak involves everybody. The threat of pandemic influenza is real, and America needs leadership from respected community members to prepare our towns and cities, reduce the impact of pandemic flu on individuals and families, and reduce or even prevent serious damage to the economy.

Government alone can’t prepare the nation for pandemic flu; this challenge requires your help. As a leader in your community, you can play a powerful role in encouraging your employees, patients, and members and others whom you represent to prepare by providing information and guidance and by preparing yourself.

This kit was developed by HHS and CDC along with input from community leaders. It is designed to provide you with key information and tools to help your organization or practice understand the threat of a pandemic and prepare for it now.

This toolkit provides the following:

  • Information for you about pandemic flu
  • Ready-to-use and ready-to-tailor resources prepared by HHS and CDC
  • Ideas and materials to encourage your organization to prepare and to encourage other leaders to get involved

To download the complete Pandemic Influenza Toolkit, visit