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ZOLL Medical Publishes Informational Booklet Summarizing Latest Research on CPR

BURLINGTON, Mass. - ZOLL Medical has published CPR: What You Now Need To Know. The booklet is offered as a CPR resource and offers summaries on the latest clinical research involving CPR and its importance as a front-line treatment of cardiac arrest. There is also information about the difficulty administering CPR effectively for any length of time.

Research on CPR spans nearly a half-century, since the technique was first developed in 1960. However, within the past few years, we have come to better understand how much the quality of CPR matters, furthering the importance of CPR in the context of growing access to AEDs. Recent studies have focused on both the importance of CPR as a front-line treatment of SCA, as well as the difficulties in administering it effectively for any length of time.

ZOLL offers this collection of abstracted clinical papers as a foundation upon which you, the emergency caregiver, can ensure that your patients receive the best possible CPR, thus increasing the likelihood of returning these patients to healthy, productive lives.

To request your copy of the booklet, please click here.