Editorial collaboration takes an in-depth look at current and future EMS trends across the U.S.
SAN FRANCISCO — EMS1.com, the leading website for EMS professionals in the public safety market, and Fitch & Associates, a national EMS consulting firm, today announced the release of the first EMS Trend Report, an annual look at the forces shaping EMS systems in the U.S. The report, an analysis of detailed responses from more than 90 EMS agencies, takes an in-depth look at the state of EMS. Because these agencies have agreed to participate in the survey in future years, this year’s EMS Trend Report sets a baseline that can be used to measure how the profession changes over time.
The survey, conducted over a 12-week period in 2015, benchmarks trends in key areas such as system design, clinical methods, technology, operations, human resources, finance and other relevant indicators of the profession. The full report also includes analysis and reactions from EMS experts on some of the Trend Report findings, including the use of performance measures and educational requirements for paramedics, as well as how the report’s findings might be best applied by paramedic chiefs and EMS leaders.
Some of the key findings from the EMS Trend Report include:
- Clinical care: The reported use of certain procedures and equipment varies greatly across the industry.
- Finance: Most agencies reported only a modest budget increase, if any, since the previous year.
- Clinical measures: Some agencies still struggle to measure the clinical and operational indicators most important to improving performance, due either to lack of access to data or simply to tradition.
- Response time: The report found large variations in response time, both in the amount of time to respond and how it is measured.
- Patient satisfaction: EMS is beginning to understand the importance of measuring patient satisfaction, but lags behind its healthcare partners.
“The EMS Trend Report informs our industry leaders about where the profession currently stands and possible directions clinical care and EMS operations may evolve in the years ahead,” said Greg Friese, EMS1 editor-in-chief. “We are in the midst of a dynamic transformation of prehospital care and this report gives leaders insights into the directions other EMS agencies are headed.”
“In order to help prepare for changes coming in health care, we need to know more about the current state of the EMS profession,” said Jay Fitch, PhD, founding partner and president of Fitch & Associates. “This year’s EMS Trend Report provides a snapshot of where we are now, and following such a diverse cohort of agencies over the years will show us where we are going.”
Fitch & Associates and EMS1 announced a strategic partnership in June 2015 with an aim to produce content focused on EMS best practices and to shed light on trends impacting providers across North America. Members of Fitch & Associates regularly contribute articles to EMS1 and its Paramedic Chief, and EMS1 recently completed its second year as the premier media partner for the Pinnacle EMS Leadership & Management Conference.
For more information about Fitch & Associates and EMS1, visit http://www.fitchassoc.com/ and www.EMS1.com/about. For more information about the Pinnacle EMS Leadership Forum, visit http://pinnacle-ems.com/.
About Fitch & Associates
For more than thirty years, Fitch & Associates has helped communities deliver more effective and efficient emergency services with a focus on accountability, transparency and sustainability. With clients in all 50 U.S. states, most Canadian provinces and 13 other countries, Fitch & Associates has earned unmatched credibility in both public and private sectors of healthcare and public safety. For more information about Fitch & Associates, visit http://www.fitchassoc.com/
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