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Pa. county to conduct comprehensive study of public safety services

While the state will select and pay for a consultant, the study will include input from “fire chiefs, fire and EMS personnel and municipal leaders”

Keith Gushard
The Meadville Tribune, Pa.

CRAWFORD COUNTY, Pa. — A comprehensive study of Crawford County’s public safety services is to be done this year in conjunction with the state.

The study will be funded through the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED), according to Eric Henry, chairman of Crawford County commissioners.

It will look at fire and emergency medical services coverage within the entire county.

“It’s something that’s probably long overdue,” Henry said. “We found some money through the (county) planning office to help us with that.”

County commissioners are expected to act on approving a letter of intent for the study with the department at their voting meeting next week.

While the state will select and pay for a consultant, input for the study will be local, Henry said following Wednesday’s work session of commissioners.

“DCED will handle it,” Henry said of the logistics. “But It’s a study driven by input from fire chiefs, fire and EMS personnel, and municipal leaders.”

The study is expected to take three to six months to put together with the report expected by the end of 2021, he added.


(c)2021 The Meadville Tribune (Meadville, Pa.)