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Mich. city medical proposal up for review next week

By Lindsey Poisson
Flint Journal
Copyright 2007 Flint Journal
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GENESEE COUNTY, Mich. — A potential county medical emergency services ordinance will likely be available for public review at a Genesee County Board of Commissioners human resources and finance committee Wednesday.

In Thursday morning’s human resource subcommittee, emergency medical services workers and representatives throughout the county expressed concerns over language and time limits for responses in the ordinance’s draft.

There will likely be another subcommittee meeting to clear up some questions and concerns from Thursday’s meeting, but the proposed ordinance is expected to be ready for the Wednesday meeting, said Commissioner Jamie Curtis, D-Burton.

The proposed ordinance serves as a guideline for ambulance and other emergency medical services in the county. Many smaller details, including specific response times, can be determined through contracts, which would also go through a review process, Curtis said.

Items in the ordinance include specific response times, zoning, required licenses and permits and penalties for violations.

If approved at the July 25 meeting, the ordinance will likely go the county Board of Commissioners for approval.