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Va. firefighters save woman’s life, invite her to dinner

She spent five days in the hospital, but she is now feeling as healthy as she did before the heart trouble


FAIRFAX, Va. — Firefighters in Fairfax County not only saved an 89-year-old woman’s life, but they invited her to dinner, too.

On Wednesday night, Marian Hoover of Annandale came by Fire and Rescue Station 8 to thank and to eat with the men who helped her. “A lot of times what happens is, after we bring them to the hospital, we don’t know anything after that,” said Bob Sweeney, one of who three firefighters who saved Hoover’s life. “We don’t know the final outcome. So they try to do things like this to bring us back together.”

Hoover says she woke up on the morning of July 9 not feeling well. “Usually I don’t pay any attention, I just lay back down and it’ll go away,” Hoover told ABC7. “But something told me that wasn’t so, and that I needed help, so I called 911.”

Full story: Fairfax firefighters save woman’s life, invite her to dinner