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Listen: EMS1’s columnists share passion, origins of joining EMS

Inside EMS Podcast co-hosts Chris Cebollero and Kelly Grayson each sat down with the Medic2Medic podcast

By EMS1 Staff

RALEIGH, N.C. — In a recent podcast episode, Kelly Grayson and Chris Cebollero, EMS1 columnists and hosts of Inside EMS, shared their journey to becoming EMS providers.

Grayson and Cebollero each sat down with Steve Cohen on the Medic2Medic podcast to discuss their origins in EMS and where they see its future heading.

Cebollero’s career in EMS began in the 1980s with the U.S. Air Force. He said he was transporting a military patient when a woman got out of her vehicle and handed him her 3-month-old baby who was not breathing.

“It was that night that I realized that this woman didn’t care who I was, where I was from, only that I was in the ambulance and I had all the answers to take care of her most precious gift. It was that night I realized that if I wasn’t on top of my game as a paramedic, somebody would die and it would be my fault,” Cebollero said.

He then spent the next 30 years training, educating and studying in EMS.

“It wasn’t until I was pushed into the craft until I realized how important it really was,” Cebollero said. “One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned, is that you have to go after what you want, you can’t just sit on the bench and wait for it to come.”

Grayson joined EMS around 23 years ago. While waiting to enroll in a nursing program, Grayson became an EMT, and “has been doing that ever since.”

In the past, EMS1 Editor-in-Chief Greg Friese and Kris Kaull, the founder of EMS1, sat down to talk on the podcast.

Listen to the podcasts below.

Listen to “Chris Cebollero” on Spreaker.

Listen to “Kelly Grayson” on Spreaker.