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Conn. students may be required to learn CPR

The Senate passed a bill requiring all public schools to add CPR instruction to middle or high school curriculum

The Associated Press

HARTFORD, Conn. — Connecticut students may soon be learning CPR in addition to reading and arithmetic.

The House of Representatives voted 110-33 Wednesday in favor of a bill requiring public schools to add instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation to middle school or high school health and safety curriculum.

The instruction must be based on American Heart Association guidelines for CPR training.

East Lyme Sen. Paul Formica (for-MEE'-kah) testified in favor of the bill in February. He told lawmakers about how his wife died in 2009 of a massive heart attack. As he attempted to administer CPR, Formica said he realized he didn’t know the correct procedure.

While his training most likely wouldn’t have saved his wife Donna, Formica says everyone should be trained.

The bill already passed the Senate. It moves to the governor.