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Ind. EMS supervisor arrested on drug charges

On the evening of July 5th, workers spotted an off duty EMS supervisor going through one of the ambulances at their headquarters in Spencer

US Official News

OWEN COUNTY, Indiana — An Indiana State Police investigation that started on Tuesday morning ended Tuesday night with the arrest of an Owen County Emergency Medical Services (EMS) supervisor. Owen County EMS officials alerted the Indiana State Police about an alleged theft from an ambulance and Trooper Ryan White initiated the investigation.

Trooper White gathered information regarding the ongoing theft of medicine from EMS ambulances. EMS employees were able to provide inventory records that showed discrepancies over a three day period. On the evening of July 5th, workers spotted an off duty EMS supervisor going through one of the ambulances at their headquarters in Spencer. After the supervisor left, workers inventoried the ambulance again and determined a vial of Benadryl was missing.

EMS workers immediately contacted the Spencer Police Department, who made an investigatory traffic stop of the supervisor’s vehicle in regards to the complaint. Spencer Officers in turn contacted off dutyTrooper White and informed him of the new development in his case. Trooper White then interviewed the subject at the Owen County Jail.

ARRESTED - Jason Corder, 29 of Spencer, Indiana.

1) Theft IC 35-43-4-2 Class “D” Felony

2) Possession of a Controlled Substance IC 35-48-4-7 Class “D” Felony

Corder was found to have no priors before his arrest.

All subjects are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.

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